It is beyond the scope of this website to go into detail for spelling, vocabulary development and reading comprehension development. Here are a couple of hints to assist you in preparing for the test if you find these components difficult.

Scroll down for further teaching material and practice exercises.


1) Read

The best way to develop your vocabulary and improve your spelling is to read as much as possible. If you come across a word that is unfamiliar to you, make sure you look it up in the dictionary. Have a friend ask you questions about the passage you just read to ensure you understand it. Reading is a practice method that cannot be stressed enough.

2) Practice Dictations

Have a friend read out several words and practice spelling them. Have them checked and practice writing out the incorrect word several times. It sounds boring but is one of the best ways to learn how to spell.

3) Practice the Exams on This Site

Completing these exercises under time pressure will make you feel more at ease when you actually go to write the exam in the future. By taking multiple exams you can track your performance and see if you are learning, and whether your scores are improving.